No More Year-End Inventory Headaches

City of Woodbury


Woodbury, MN



Learn how Collective Data software can automate your inventory process—see it in action!

Assets Managed

Fleet Assets
0 +
Parts Inventory
$ 0 K

A Fast-Growing City Automates and Optimizes Inventory Process for More Accurate, Simplified Budgeting

About the Client

Woodbury, located in Washington County, Minnesota, is part of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area and is one of Minnesota’s fastest growing cities.

The Challenge

Despite using a fleet information management system, Woodbury was experiencing limitations with reporting, which reduced the effectiveness of the program and accuracy of billing. This made the year-end inventory process a huge pain point.

The Solution

The City of Woodbury adopted Collective Data’s fleet management solution to manage their fleet and related parts inventory. As a result, Woodbury leverages the software to conduct monthly inventory counts and reconciliation so they can better manage their inventory and budget in real-time, all year long. Fleet management enabled Woodbury to optimize inventory levels, increase parts availability, and ensure regulatory compliance for inventory management.

Solution Features

  • Inventory valuation reporting 
  • Barcode scanner integration 
  • Parts inventory monitoring and optimization 
  • Real-time data on actual vs. budgeted inventory

Download Our Case Study

Click here to download a sharable version of this case study.

“With our old system, we struggled to close the loop and were typically $50K to $80K in the hole at year end and scrambling to allocate those changes. With Collective Data, we don’t have that issue. Our inventory and billing allocation associated is up to date, allowing us to accurately account for each part.”
- Mike Zilka
City of Woodbury Fleet Specialist

Fleet Management Case Studies

Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office

Solution: Quartermaster

CPSO evaluated numerous software before ultimately choosing Collective Data. They found that some did not provide the essentials of what they were looking for and others were overboard with things that we were never going to use. They decided that Collective Data was the right fit for what we are looking to achieve.

Chatham County Police Department

Solution: Quartermaster
Collective Data won over the evaluation committee with its focus on law enforcement and its needs and its ease of use. The price was just right, and Collective Data could do everything and more that they needed.

Speedy Transport

Solution: Fleet
Speedy Transit had an entire office filled with filing cabinets, and they were using very basic software with limited reporting capabilities that did not allow them to capture enough details. They were looking for a one stop shop to streamline their maintenance and safety compliance costs in one system.

Colorado State Patrol

Solution: Quartermaster
The Colorado State Patrol’s (CSP) main mission is to directly support the State Troopers in the form of supplying them with radios, cell phones, and laptops they require for daily operations. As the IT Communications branch of the Colorado State Patrol, they rely heavily on CollectiveData to account for all of their radio equipment issued out to Troopers, as well as Port of Entry Officers for the entire state.

Chandler Police Department

Solution: Quartermaster
Chandler Police Department has been able to accurately track their inventory without items falling through the cracks, track who has what equipment, when it’s due back for retirement, maintenance or replacement, and set automatic email notifications and reports in order to keep their employees safe without missing anything.

Marion County Public Schools

Solution: Fleet
Marion County Public Schools streamlines their fleet management processes, stays ahead of preventative maintenance and accurately tracks parts inventory and improved technician productivity with time tracking.