Full Visibility of Assets for State Patrol

The Colorado State Patrol


Colorado, USA


Law Enforcement

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Assets Managed

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Providing Colorado State Patrol Full Visibility of Their Assets

About the Client

The Colorado State Patrol’s (CSP) main mission is to directly support the State Troopers in the form of supplying them with radios, cell phones, and laptops they require for daily operations. As the IT Communications branch of the Colorado State Patrol, they rely heavily on CollectiveData to account for all of their radio equipment issued out to Troopers, as well as Port of Entry Officers for the entire state.

The Challenge

The Colorado State Patrol (CSP) was facing a number of challenges with their asset management processes. These challenges included:

  • Lack of visibility into assets: The CSP had difficulty tracking the location, condition, and usage of their assets. This made it difficult to identify assets that were at risk of being lost or damaged, and to ensure that assets were being used efficiently.
  • High costs: The CSP was spending a significant amount of money on asset management, including the cost of purchasing new assets, repairing damaged assets, and hiring staff to manage assets.
  • Poor decision-making: The CSP was not able to make informed decisions about asset management because they did not have access to accurate data. This could have led to the purchase of unnecessary assets or the neglect of important assets.

The Solution

Since implementing Collective Data’s collectiveQuartermaster, the CSP has been able to achieve the following:

  •  Improved asset visibility: Collective Data has given the CSP the ability to track the location, condition, and usage of all of their assets. This information has helped the CSP to identify assets that are at risk of being lost or damaged, and to ensure that assets are being used efficiently.
  •  Reduced costs: Collective Data has helped the CSP to reduce costs associated with asset management, such as the cost of purchasing new assets, repairing damaged assets, and hiring staff to manage assets.
  •  Improved decision making: Collective Data has provided the CSP with access to accurate data that they can use to make informed decisions about asset management. This has helped the CSP to make better decisions about which assets to purchase, how to maintain them, and how to allocate resources.

Solution Features

  • Quickly answer who has what when is it due back and how many on the shelf
  • Quickly perform monthly and annual audits
  • Order & Receive Radios to ensure everything that was purchased was received
  • Manage radio warranty and repairs
  • Integration with ADIR active directory
  • Automatic email notifications
  • Create Kits of equipment
  • Perform inspections
  • Search, query, and report on all stock and custom asset object fields
  • Budget and forecast with a couple clicks
  • KPI’s in place for when is it due back, when you need to re order, when an warranty is approaching, etc.

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"In the first couple months, Collective Data saved us $60,000+ with just radios alone.”
Stephen Farrar
IT Communications, The Colorado State Patrol

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