Most of us are adept at using a variety of software applications on a daily basis, whether it’s emailing a client, typing a Word document, inputting contact information and notes into a business CRM system, or simply using an online banking system to complete a personal payment. And often, we use it even if it’s poorly designed or missing things we’d like to see. But why should it be that way? Wouldn’t it be great if it could be changed to do what you need it to do?
Today’s dynamic environment has demanded shifts in technology that respond to individual needs. Systems like Collective Data’s: flexible, configurable, and adaptable to meet individual needs as they evolve over time. In the fleet management world, flexibility is the key to having a useful system in place. Why? Things change.
It’s highly unlikely that you have never been asked to do anything new or to seek new information to resolve a problem. Workflows change, reporting needs change, governmental regulations change, and most of all, people change. An enterprise fleet management software system should mold itself into an organization’s processes to make a significant impact on how they operate and make decisions. Static software systems tend to deliver static results.
For example, a fire or police department can extend the software beyond the fleet to track uniform issues and returns. An electric co-op can go beyond equipment by also tracking their substation data, maintenance, and tools while having a variety of custom reports designed specifically for them. It’s problem-solving at its finest.
Just because the software is so adaptable, it doesn’t mean that the standard elements and design are without thought. With over a decade of experience in fleet management, collectiveFleet is comprehensive offering common functionality that benefits many industries including government, construction, utility, medical, and others. It’s the flexibility that sets it apart, and we are selected.